Dr Breen Again I Was Hoping to See Him in City 14

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A Breencast is a regular circulate made by Dr. Wallace Breen, delivered to the populace of City 17 (and perhaps other Combine controlled towns and cities) via individual televisions and, more commonly, big video monitors mounted on walls in public places such as town squares and railway stations. The term Breencast is an obvious portmanteau of the words "Breen", His proper noun, and "broadcast."

At several points during the game, Dr. Breen uses these Breencasts to deliver announcements and letters to the citizens of City 17, and, later in the game, Gordon Freeman himself. The following are transcripts of several of these announcements.


  • 1 Transcripts
    • ane.1 Dr. Breen welcoming Citizens to City 17
    • 1.2 Dr. Breen on instinct
    • 1.three Dr. Breen on Gordon Freeman
    • ane.iv Dr. Breen addressing the Overwatch
    • one.5 Dr. Breen on collaboration
    • one.6 Dr. Breen addressing Gordon Freeman
    • 1.seven Dr. Breen to Gordon Freeman
    • ane.8 Dr. Kleiner to humanity
  • 2 Behind the scenes
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Gallery
  • 5 List of appearances
  • half-dozen References


Dr. Breen welcoming Citizens to City 17

Welcome. Welcome to City 17.

You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of Urban center 17 that I elected to establish my Assistants here, in the Citadel and then thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors. I have been proud to call Metropolis 17 my home. And then, whether yous are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to Urban center 17. It's safer hither.

Dr. Breen on instinct

Let me read a letter of the alphabet I recently received. "Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen."

Thanks for writing, Concerned. Of course, your question touches on 1 of the near bones biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's all-time for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they e'er deactivate the suppression field and let u.s. brood once again?

Let me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to respond every possible question yous might have left unvoiced. First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, equally a species, immortality is in our reach. This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. Information technology also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets.

I discover it helpful at times similar these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. Instinct coddled us and kept u.s. safe in those hardscrabble years when nosotros hardened our sticks and cooked our kickoff meals above a meager fire and startled at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern'southward walls. But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. Instinct is inextricably leap to unreasoning impulses, and today nosotros conspicuously meet its truthful nature. Instinct has but become enlightened of its irrelevance, and similar a cornered creature, it will not go downwardly without a encarmine fight. Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids united states rising upward against them. Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. Instinct slyly and covertly compels us abroad from change and progress. Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. Information technology must exist fought molar and boom, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce.

We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. They take thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. They have given us the force we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. They have given united states of america purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars.

Let me assure you lot that the suppressing field will be close off on the day that we accept mastered ourselves...the solar day we can prove we no longer need it. And that twenty-four hour period of transformation, I have it on practiced authority, is close at hand.

Dr. Breen on Gordon Freeman

We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, ane who has acquired an nigh messianic reputation in the minds of sure citizens. His effigy is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Blackness Mesa Incident take been laid directly at his feet. And still unsophisticated minds go along to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such unsafe poetic labels equally the One Free Man, the Opener of the Way.

Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. We accept scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us non slide backward into oblivion, simply as we have finally begun to run across the lite. If you lot see this and then-called Free Human, report him. Borough deeds do non go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not become unpunished.

Exist wise. Exist safe. Be aware.

Dr. Breen addressing the Overwatch

Rebels taking downwards the Trainstation Plaza Breencast device during the Uprising.

I have been asked to say a few words to the transhuman arm of Sector Seventeen Overwatch, concerning recent successes in containing members of the resistance Science Team.

Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a potent mensurate of thwarting. Just I wouldn't be doing my duty as your Administrator if I didn't pass along the message I have received from Our Benefactors.

The capture of Eli Vance is an event of major significance, make no error. And while it's truthful that conceivably we could accept taken him at virtually any fourth dimension in the last several years, the fashion of his capture may testify to have unexpected benefits. It cannot have gone unnoticed by all resistance members that Doctor Vance'southward capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to Gordon Freeman. This might crusade other resistance members to think twice earlier harbouring Doc Freeman. It might cause them to question his allegiance; fifty-fifty prompt some to turn him out, or plow him over to our cause. However, we cannot count on such developments. Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other drastic renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror.

This brings me to the ane note of thwarting I must echo from our Benefactors. Apparently I am not on the ground to closely command or 2nd-guess the dedicated forces of the Overwatch, only this does not mean I can shirk responsibility for recent lapses and fifty-fifty outright failures on their part. I have been severely questioned near these shortcomings, and now must put the question to you: How could one human being have slipped through your force'due south fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the fourth dimension of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a country that precluded farther evolution of covert skills. The homo you accept consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that--an ordinary man. How can yous accept failed to apprehend him?

Well...I volition leave the upbraiding for another time, to the extent information technology proves necessary. Now is the moment to redeem yourselves. If the transhuman forces are to evidence themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch, they will have to earn the privilege. I'm certain I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you tin call it that, is total extinction - in union with all the other unworthy branches of the species. Let's non allow it to come to that. I take done my best to convince Our Benefactors that you lot are the finest the species has to offer. So far they have accustomed my argument, but without concrete evidence to back it upwards, my words audio increasingly hollow fifty-fifty to me. The brunt of proof is on you. As is the upshot of failure. I'll just leave information technology at that.

Dr. Breen on collaboration

It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, every bit if such a term were shameful. I ask you, what greater endeavour exists than that of collaboration? In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you volition.

Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? Information technology did not. Information technology crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest sea abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the night, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. Would nosotros model ourselves on the trilobite? Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn beyond a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud?

In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We accept outgrown our cradle. It is futile to weep for mother'southward milk, when our truthful sustenance awaits us amongst the stars. And only the universal wedlock that modest minds phone call 'The Combine' can acquit us there.

Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if nosotros await to reap the benefits of unification. And reap we shall.

Dr. Breen addressing Gordon Freeman

I'd like to take a moment to accost you directly, Dr. Freeman.

Aye. I'm talking to yous, the so-chosen One Free Man. I accept a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth, choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you take sparked...this is death and certitude.

You lot have plunged humanity into freefall. Fifty-fifty if y'all offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that Our Benefactors would accept it. At the moment, I fright they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative.

Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you all the same can. Help ensure that humanity'due south trust in y'all is not misguided.

Exercise what is right, Dr. Freeman. Serve mankind.

Dr. Breen to Gordon Freeman

So, this is Dr. Freeman... at final. I wish I could say this was a pleasant surprise, but it's neither a surprise nor, as you volition surely agree, very pleasant. Well, I'm nothing if not pragmatic.

Well, Dr. Freeman, under other circumstances I like to retrieve we might have been able to piece of work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Certainly judging from your brief tenure at Blackness Mesa, while I was its administrator, yous showed every promise of condign a valuable and productive contributor to the scientific process. And yet, I'm not sure what spurred yous to it, but there is actually no place in this enterprise for a rogue physicist.

Your mentors are partly to blame, of course; my disappointment in Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner is far greater than my sorrow over your unfortunate selection of career path. In a way I suppose y'all could non have done otherwise. Who knows what seeds of iconoclasm they planted when you were young and gullible? Merely while they certainly share a groovy part of the responsibleness, for the contempo troubles, it is you alone who have chosen to act with such willful disregard for humanity'south future.

Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you tin: you have destroyed so much — what is it exactly that you have created? Tin you proper noun even i affair?... I thought non.

I accept laid the foundation for humanity'south survival, and non as we have narrowly defined ourselves but as something greater than nosotros could e'er imagine, something that we tin now only begin to glimpse.

Look, Gordon, look at what you are throwing away. Is it worth it?

Dr. Kleiner to humanity

Careful, Lamarr! These lamps are quite hot!

Ahem... Is this on? Yeah? Very well, I... I am not much of a public speaker, but I'll... I'll exercise my best.

Ahem... Boyfriend citizens... Residents of Urban center 17 and environs... by which I hateful sentient residents, of form, human and otherwise, although I believe there is piddling demand to explain recent developments to our Vortigaunt allies...

At whatsoever rate... First, as a matter of great urgency, if you notice yourself still within the confines of Metropolis 17, you are well advised to leave the metropolis at once by the fastest means available to you. We take restored service to much of the commuter send system in order to carry citizens out of the city as apace equally possible. We have also established camps and triage areas in the surrounding environs.

I repeat, you must evacuate the metropolis at one time.

While there was certainly a great benefit in destroying the Citadel's teleport core, we accept detected one rather unfortunate side issue.

It would appear an inevitability that very soon now, the Citadel will be consumed in a subversive event whose magnitude I cannot currently judge with whatsoever certainty, except to say that it volition near certainly irradiate an area of many miles' radius.

Therefore, I repeat, evacuate Metropolis 17 at once if not sooner! I cannot state this without enough undue emphasis!

On a lighter note, if you are already in one of our designated safe zones, I experience obliged to signal out that a more fortunate side-upshot of the reactor'due south destruction is the complete removal of the Combine's reproductive suppression field.

Previously, sure protein chains important to the process of embryonic development were selectively prevented from forming. This is no longer the case. For those and then inclined, now would exist an splendid fourth dimension for procreation. Which is to say, in layman'southward terms, you should requite serious consideration to doing your function for the revival of the species. We must brand the most of the time we have, equally it is by no means certain how much time we have secured ourselves before the Combine attempt to restore their dominion, equally they certainly shall.

Since this is in fact the kickoff opportunity nosotros have had to speak openly of the baleful influence of the Combine, there is much ground to embrace—and in fact I hope to institute a series of useful bulletins in the days ahead. All the same, for now, we will accept to content ourselves with some relatively meager exposition.

The destabilization of the City 17 reactor has had repercussions that were not entirely unexpected, although nosotros hardly dared speak this hope ahead of time. The destructive pulse forced a damper on the entire network of linked Citadel reactors. Thus, for the time being, I believe that all Combine portals take failed completely, as well every bit all advice systems based on that engineering.

In short, the Combine are completely cut off. Combine forces currently stationed on Earth are now isolated units. Stranded.

Even so, this is most likely a temporary situation. As we once learned to our dismay, even the relatively tiny fracture at Black Mesa gave our enemies an opening which they were able to forcefulness ever wider, as they poured through in greater and greater numbers.

In improver to the completely xenotheric species, there are many modified mail-human allies even so remaining on World who volition be doing their utmost to re-establish lines of advice and supply with the larger forces.

Even so, there is greater reason for hope now than at whatsoever time in the by decade.

We have made, in secret, several technological advances which we will do our best to deploy in advance of the Combine'southward return.

We continue to diligently assemble and train a new generation of scientists and technicians.

For what the Combine fearfulness the most is not any tangible human weapon, but our will, our intellect, our ability to reply selectively and rationally to every terror they plough against us.

We identify our firmest hope in the man spirit, even knowing how hands it may be shattered. We accept all seen friends and family unit crushed past the Combine. Some of our neighbors accept allowed themselves to exist co-opted, and purged of their humanity, by the armed services.

And those who resisted take met a most terrible fate.

However, I cannot enlarge how important it is that we retain our humanity. Only this will allow us to agree together as nosotros must for their inevitable return...and what is sure to be unimaginable retaliation.

And...oh yes, if y'all missed any function of this message, it will loop repeatedly until there is no point in looping information technology any longer.

I apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions. As you tin imagine, we have had scarcely time to record, allow alone rehearse-

What's that, Eli? Oh, right.

This has been Dr. Isaac Kleiner, formerly of Blackness Mesa, now simply a citizen, like all of you, of Earth.

Let me just add together to all those who tin hear me now, every bit we struggle out of the shadow of our malefactors, welcome back to the light.

Now...where did I put that calculator...?

Backside the scenes

Just like Wallace Breen himself, the Breencast device went through different aspects earlier its concluding version. 2 early versions, designed by Dhabih Eng,[1] show the device hanging above the ground, covered with screens, and fastened to the surrounding buildings from its elevation. A version was designed in cluster-like compound optics, with the City 17 logo in each screen when idle, and begetting some similarities with the screen running effectually the Consul'southward chair in his original office in the Citadel. Another version featured many yellow screens from different sizes, showing the Consul making his speeches.[1] This latter design recalls films similar 1984 (and its original novel) or Brazil. Indeed, Breencasts brings to listen the paradigm of Big Blood brother himself in that they reverberate a figure meant for purposes of propaganda and absolute command. Early audio clips for the early on Breencasts exist (in the binder /sound/C17/, "c17pa" from 0 to 4, "pa" standing for "public announcement"), all starting with "The true Citizen...", with a strange/fabricated-up linguistic communication heard backside.[2]


  • The big, tall screens used for most Breencasts are comprised of several holographic layers, possibly to amplify visibility.
  • The Breencasts use a separate model of Breen featuring but the summit one-half of his body and located in a distant, out-of-map room that is only accessible by using the noclip cheat (this was direct addressed in the commentary track for Episode Ane). If Breen is killed, the Breencasts will finish. Furthermore, any entity spawned in his room volition be seen on whatever Breencast screen nowadays in the map, the Breencast being in a way broadcast to an in-universe real camera.
  • The G-man replaces Breen in one instance where a Vortigaunt is supplying a portable television with his blueish energy, also looking at the screen itself. Yet, it is noted that the bottommost portion of his chest in this instance is missing.
  • The G-Human can sometimes be seen on the large rectangular monitors used for Breencasts; in these instances, they will flicker a ghostly version of his paradigm. This can be seen in the "Water Gamble" and "Anticitizen I" capacity of Half-Life 2.
  • The Breencast is the successor to Half-Life's Blackness Mesa Proclamation System. Portal'southward equivalent is the Aperture Science Speaker System.


List of appearances

  • Half-Life 2 (Commencement appearance)
  • Half-Life ii: Episode One


Imagecat.png The One-half-Life Wiki has more images related to Breencast.

  1. 1.0 1.one 1.2 1.three 1.4 Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar
  2. Playable Half-Life ii Beta files


Source: https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Breencast

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